
On the extension of the guarantee ASMAP and application of TIR in the Russian Federation continuation of guarantees ASMAP and application of the TIR on the territory of the Russian Federation

Please be informed of the receipt of the letter by the Association of the FCS of Russia from 29.11.2013 N 01-23/54304


Since the beginning of the year in circulation in the territory of the Russian Federation will not be tolerated issue of automotive technology and internal combustion engines with environmental class below 5

On the territory of the Russian Federation will not be tolerated issue of automotive technology and internal combustion engines with environmental class below 5


Electronic declaration of goods will become mandatory

Transition from 1 January 2014 on the customs declaration of goods using the goods declaration in electronic form is dictated by Article 322 of the Federal Law of November 27, 2010 № 311-FL "On Customs Regulation in the Russian Federation."


Customs Service of Russia is conducting an experiment to simplify the movement of goods by road customs transit

Federal Customs Service (FCS of Russia) began the experiment by simplifying the movement of goods by road through the customs procedure of customs transit.


The cost of air freight

Freight aircraft - the fastest version of the international delivery of goods, however, the cost of such services is quite high. Often resorted to air cargo in the case when it is necessary to urgently deliver small lots. The average cost is 2-4 dollars per kilogram.

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